We had a fairly reasonable weekend.
GROCERY - $56.44, $15 was spent on 1 kilo ground coffee (it was on sale, 50% off) and we also spent $10 worth of mixed nuts and fruits and a bag of pepitas (this should last at least a month). This is what we normally have for in our breakfast. DH makes our breakfast, he would soak rolled oats with homemade kefir, in it he would also put frozen berries and the mixed nuts & fruits. He would normally make enough for 2 to 3 meals. In the morning we would normally add slices of banana and whatever else fruit we have, normally strawberries, avocados, and whatever is in season.
BIRTHDAY – we went out for lunch on Saturday for a friends 40th, spent $90. I bought her gift last month.
That’s it.
September 5th, 2018 at 05:41 am
September 5th, 2018 at 04:40 pm 1536162053