June 27th, 2013 at 07:51 am
Currently we have just over $7,5000 in it. We started the year with almost $3,500 and have now added $6K into it for the year.
Almost everything that's house related is taken out of this account. For example, the plants that we bought on the weekend is taken out of this account. The most expensive thing that we had to spend on this year was back in January when we had to get a new motor for our window shutter (it broke), taht was for $500 and we also had to hire a skip bin for $240 that month. We also got a chain saw, a lot of plastic containers, and other small items.
Most of this money will be spent on renovation around the house and also to replace furniture that we might need in the future.
I have a list of things that we need and want and they are mainly household stuff that will come out from this fund. First thing in the list at the moment is painting the study, the ceiling really needs it and as for the walls I just want a bit of change. We have most of the materials at hand already, leftover from previous renovation, so I don't think I will need much do this job. I will also need to do this in the living room ceiling (but I will get it done when the weather is warmer).
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June 26th, 2013 at 04:11 am
Not much is happening here, just waiting for the month to end to finalise our finances.
We've are having a lot of NSDs this month, which obviously good for the finance.
I just fully funded goal #3, I can now tick that off the list.
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Goal Achievement,
June 24th, 2013 at 07:13 am
Friday was payday, there was again missing amount, annoying as hell. I was looking forward to putting a bit more into the mortgage but will have to wait now. DH paid $2,500 to pre-pay his margin loan for the year.
Saturday we went for a run then afterwards had lunch at cafe in our favourite nursery which very close the where we go for a run. After our lunch I bought couple of small indoor plants and a couple of asparagus roots/crowns and we also got a cherry tree. We have been talking about getting a cherry tree for years now, thought now is a good time. We will hopefully put it where the palm tree that fell few months ago was.
Afterward, we went to a store that sells rubber and foam items. We got DH some gym rubber mats, we used it to put his weight bench on. On the way home we stopped by at Aldi.
On Sunday, DH mowed the lawn and poisoned some weeds. I did clothes washing, cooked some beef ribs in the slow cooker and cleaned the back room. We are turning this room into DH's room (man cave). We finally moved back his weight bench back into that room, he can use it again now. We had to move it out when we renovated that room about 4-5 years ago. The rubber mats looks good but I think we need few more for the weights.
We were going to go out for coffee afterwards but we decided to just stay home and relax. So, Sunday was a NSD. DH instead skyped his parents and I did some knitting and did the ironing.
Apart from prepaying the margin loan we only spent just less than $250. It's always good when we spend less than $300 on the weekend.
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Weekend Spending
June 17th, 2013 at 02:00 am
We have our annual green collection (garden stuff) this week. DH and I spent most of the weekend cleaning the garden. We did a lot of trimming and also cut down a couple of small size trees. Our garden have been neglected this year we just haven't had the time to do it. Back in March we had a really bad weather and one of our palm tree in the back fell on the fence. Luckily the fence broke in a way that we managed to fix it right back up without having to spent money on it. However, we had to get a chain saw to cut up the palm tree. Fortunately, we got one for only $69 normally they are $99. DH has only been able to throw out some of the palm tree every forth night into our green rubbish bin but this week we are allowed to put it all out at the front of our house for the local council to collect.
Also on the weekend we went grocery shopping a bought $63 worth of meat, it should last for the rest of the month maybe even for 3 weeks. Also went to Aldi and spent just over $41 there.
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June 14th, 2013 at 08:07 am
Yesterday and the day before were both NSDs.
Today I decided to pay an extra $2000 int the mortgage.
Nothing much is happening here, I'm just trying to recover from a cold.
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June 12th, 2013 at 05:07 am
The main things that happened to us financially these last few months:
- Our net worth hit the $500K mark.
- Our mortgage is now under the $100K mark.
I don't really know where the time went. We have been away a bit and just haven't had the energy to blog, which is not good financially. Luckily, we haven't gone too crazy and we got some more money come in than expected. I have been keeping up with my financial recording just not blogging.
We got back from our overseas holiday late Feb (it was a great holiday; we had a nice family reunion). We packed in a lot in a short time. There was a lot of flying and driving around. Unfortunately, 3 days after we got home DH's grandmother passed away. We again flew away to interstate for the funeral. We were there for few days. I don't really know what happen to March, it really took me a whole month to recover from our trips. Financially it was good (it was a two pay month for DH) we got to put $3,000 extra into the mortgage and a bit more into our other goals for this year (see side bar).
April was again busy, I had my birthday celebration and a close friend's wedding (there was a lot of going out including hen’s night, etc.). Our entertainment budget got a workout, we spent ¼ of our whole year entertainment budget in that month. Yikes! Income was lower than usual, DH’s pay was wrong again. I didn’t put anything extra into the mortgage that month but put $1550 into Goal#3.
May was a normal month, we went a bit over on groceries and gifts for mother’s day. There was a bit more income because of April pay mistake. Put $3500 extra into the mortgage and $1K into the household fund.
So far this month we haven’t spent that much. We went away again on the weekend (we had a 3-day weekend here –the Queen’s birthday public holiday). Tomorrow would have been DH’s grandmother’s 93rd birthday. We bought the plane tickets back in December for this month long-weekend to see her, unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. DH’s parent was at least happy to have us again over and we did go to the cemetery to pay our respect. Only spent $163 for the trip, the tickets were paid back in December. We got some extra money this month because of tax refund and DH’s parents gave us $500, they got some inheritance money.
DH just ordered a new phone it will be around $160, hopefully it will be a good one. DH ordered it last week just before he got the cash gift from his parents, good timing I say.
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2013 Spending Plan