Home > Weekend Update

Weekend Update

April 22nd, 2012 at 08:22 am

Yesterday (Saturday) we went to my mum's place to again celebrate my birthday. My brother came and few other people were there too. We had a bbq and lots of other food that mum cooked. Also had a birthday cake. DH decided to update mum's computer, so we ended up spending all of the afternoon there. We came home with lots of leftover, I don't even need to cook for dinner tonight.

Today was a relaxing day. Was meant to plant the lime tree but my mum thinks that I should wait until the full moon to plant it. She believes on that stuff, may as well give it a go which means I won't be able to plant it for another 2 weeks. May aswell I think The soil is still not right yet and I will also need to get some sort of material to protect it during winter, which mean I will need to build/ put posts around it.

Today was a NSD, yesterday I bought couple bags of coal for $6. Very low spend weekend, was not plan really. We didn't do any grocery shopping at all. I'm not too worried though, we got plenty of food in the freezer. Also, this Wednesday is a public holiday we should be able to get milk and fresh produce then. DH should be able to make his yogurt then too. Only got $27 left in the grocery budget, should be enough if we are careful.

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