Just found out about losing 6 months’ worth of blog entries, that sucks.
Anyway we have been away camping - spent $245.45, a very reasonable price we cooked all but one meal.
September total expense was $2598.63. Grocery was only $201.96.
I think I will skip most of my goal update in this entry, I’m not sure it’s worth it. But goal 1 is now pretty much done at least it will be by the end of this month.
Reading – didn’t get much reading done in September and most likely not make it to 200 books but it’s ok.
109 The Waiting Game - Sheila Bugler (2 Sep) - Audio
110 Financial Freedom - Grant Sabatier (3 Sep)
111 Retirement Planning in Eight Easy Steps - Joel Kranc (7 Sep) - Audio
112 Falling - Chris Mooney (9 Sep)
113 All Things Nice - Sheila Bugler (10 Sep) - Audio
114 The Dumb Things Smart People Do with their Money - Jill Schlesinger (12 Sep) - Audio
115 The Broken Man - Josephine Cox (17 Sep)
116 The Blind Side - Michael Lewis (21 Sep) - Audio
117 The Rosie Effect - Graeme Simsion (29 Sep) - Audio
Fixing the fridge part III – DH had another go at fixing the fridge, this time he change the heating element thingy (can’t remember what it is called), he apparently check it and it showed that it was dead. The part cost $40 this time. I think he is now 90% sure it has fixed it.
Sep 2019 and Holiday
October 10th, 2019 at 02:16 am
October 11th, 2019 at 08:27 pm 1570822033
July 10th, 2020 at 11:26 am 1594376817