Home > APRIL 2017 Highlight

APRIL 2017 Highlight

May 3rd, 2017 at 04:03 am

Overall spending in April was $4609.95 – big month

Grocery – $239.57 way under budget mainly because we were away for about 40% of the month

Health Insurance – This year our Health Insurance went up from $262.75 to $280.78 per month ($18.03 extra p/m). Hate it but can’t do much about, DH already check other provider this is still the most reasonable for us for now.

Books read this month -
16 The Watson Girl - Leslie Wolfe (8 Apr)

17 A Long Way Home - Saroo Brierley (10 Apr)

18 Dawn Girl - Leslie Wolfe (14 Apr) – I read the second book first for some reason I didn’t know but I think it’s necessary to read the first. I’m currently reading the 3rd, it just came out on kindle 2 weeks ago.

19 Silent Child - Sarah Den (19 Apr)

20 The Broker - John Grisham (23 Apr)
21 Alone, The Girl in the Box - Robert J. Crane (30 Apr)

Workout – it got interrupted because of our holiday but I did a lot of walking and also ran once on the beach which took me 3 days for my legs to recover. I’ve at least started Stage 2 of my workout this week.

3 Responses to “APRIL 2017 Highlight”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I really enjoy John Grisham's books. I apparently fell behind in reading them so I am reading some here and there. I know I've read a few of them years before, but I don't remember a lot of the plot so that's fine too.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm a Grisham fan too. Smile

  3. Shiela Says:

    I've loved John Grisham books since highschool (90's). I just bought "Sycamore Row" which is a sequel to "A time to kill" so I will have to re-read that first because it has been over 20 years. And probably also rewatch the movie.

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