Home > Dry Cleaning, Pots and Painting

Dry Cleaning, Pots and Painting

May 20th, 2012 at 12:43 am

Yesterday DH took some of his suit to the dry cleaners.

Also bought couple of ceramic pots, they were 50% off. I will use them for my orchids that need re-planting. We also got some towel rack and hand towel holder for 30% off. I will put them in the ensuite bathroom.

Today I’m planning to paint the bedroom ceiling we should have done it last year when we renovated it. Oh well, it wouldn’t take long. I want to get it done this weekend because I got the electrician to coming next week to install a ceiling fan. We need to get some plastic sheeting to cover the furniture.

We are getting ready to go for a run and will get the plastic sheeting on the way home and then paint the ceiling this afternoon.

1 Responses to “Dry Cleaning, Pots and Painting”

  1. Shiela Says:

    Oh I would love to do that too.
    But right now will endure ironing so that we can eat out or go on holiday.

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