Home > May Budget

May Budget

May 2nd, 2012 at 12:51 am

I forgot to mention yesterday that we had 10 NSDs in April. That’s $100 towards my Sunny Day Saving.

May Budget:
Grocery - $250
Utilities - $100
Rates - $340*
Home Phone - $25
Mobile - $20
Internet - $50
Fuel & Fare - $200
Health Insurance -$250
Entertainment -$200^
Gifts -$200**
Personal/Medical - $50
Clothing - $30
DH Allowance -$100
DW Allowance - $60
Miscellanous - $25

TOTAL = $1,900

*Our quarterly property rate should be due later this month.
**Will need to order that wedding gift this weekend.
^I’m not really sure how much to budget for entertainment this month. We already got two dinners out plan, so I’ve decided to budget more just in case something else will come up later in the month.

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