Home > NSD and birthday wish

NSD and birthday wish

December 3rd, 2010 at 12:37 am

We had two NSD in a row, athough we almost got tempted to get fish and chips for dinner yesterday but somehow we ended up having pasta. The weather hasn't been that great lately, it has been raining cats and dogs and that was why we didn't want to go out. So NSD was saved by the rain.

My birthday is not for another 4 months or so but I already know what I want. I want to see the King Tut exhibit that will be coming down under (in Melbourne only), the last stop before it goes back to Cairo. This is the perfect present for me, it is all I really want. DH will be getting the tickets soon, pre-booking is a must especially during peek time. We went to the Titanic exhibit here recently and we were lucky to get in, probably only because we went during a weekday. Even then there were a lot of people. So to avoid disappointment we buy the ticket 4 months in advance.

2 Responses to “NSD and birthday wish”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    I really wanted to go to the Tim Burton Exhibition in Melb. but alas it didn't line up with any trips Frown It's been pretty rainy in qld the past week too.

  2. Shiela Says:

    I actually also went to the Tim Burton and had to line up for almost half an hour to get tickets and couldn't get in until the next session. They would only let a certain number of people to get in per half an hour. Looking at his work, one could say that he is a bit disturb in a brilliant kind of way.

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