Told DH that we both need to do better with our budget this month.
Hopefully this month we won't need to spend money on medical bills.
- Fully fund Household Fund for the year - another $1,935 to go. (DONE)
- Read 2 books (Only 1 - was too busy swimming instead)
- Do 10Km on the exercise bike (I'm pretty sure I manage to do 10Km including the ones I did when we were on our holiday)
- Clean closet, put away summer clothes. (Half done)
- 15km on the exercise bike.
- Other types of exercise for 2 hours a week.
- Read 3 books!...hmmm lol
- Clearing/cleaning the whole garden such as trimming branches, weeding, spraying, fertilizing and some planting for winter.
June Budget
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:33 am
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:52 pm 1275569528
June 4th, 2010 at 10:15 am 1275646510