Home > Things that's been done and things to do.

Things that's been done and things to do.

November 15th, 2009 at 11:08 pm

Was busy this weekend going through my budget and been trying to finalise my 2010 budget, still not done but it's getting there.

I also did some wall painting, will need to do some more.

Also I bought some more shares through a 1 on 1 entitlement offer. The money will be taken out from my Sunny day savings (see My Pages).

In the next few days I want to do:

1. more painting (Still going)
2. cooking to put in the freezer (currently cooking away)
3. find recipes to make for christmas (Found some but no final decision yet)
4. vacuuming and polishing the floor (I mopped the floor instead)
5. washing and ironing (Did a load and waiting for it to dry to iron)

2 Responses to “Things that's been done and things to do.”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Could you explain "1 on 1 entitlement offer"? Is that stocks in your own workplace?

  2. shiela Says:

    A stock I own already are trying to raise money by offering 1 new unit for every 1 unit held. Just getting it because it is brokerage free.

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