I tried this out last month and it worked out so well that I decided to keep doing it for this month too. I've never really done a whole month menu planning before, I think the most I've done in the past was for 2 weeks. I like that I only spent about 1/2 hour writting it out and I even got some input from DH. For some reason he is craving for maccaroni and cheese, weird man!
I really like how I just get up in the morning, look at the menu list and just take out the meat (if required) from the freezer. It really helps me from agonizing on what to cook for dinner that night. This way I make the menu list and then from that I spend about 15 mins writting out the shopping list. A lot less work doing it this way than weekly or even every other week. Well so far so good anyway. The biggest reward for doing a menu plan and then having a grocery list based on that menu plan is the savings we make from reduce grocery bill. Last month we only spend $196.10, our lowest grocery bill since Jan. I don't know why I don't make menu plan all the time when it saves me so much time and money. Pure laziness I guess, which is stupid cause by having one I actually spend less time thinking about what to cook every night.
Menu Planning for the Month
September 3rd, 2009 at 02:00 am
September 3rd, 2009 at 03:02 am 1251943325
September 3rd, 2009 at 07:57 am 1251961038
September 3rd, 2009 at 02:22 pm 1251984176
I tried to get my mom to do this, but she refused. She prefers spontaneity when it comes to grocery shopping and cooking even if it means a lot more work for her.
D I T T O ! Although, I do feel that I MAY have finally convinced her that this is the thing to do. I advised her that she does not have to have every day's dinner set in stone but to at least plan meals on a weekly basis in conjuction with whatever is on sale that week.