Home > NSD and To Do List

NSD and To Do List

June 15th, 2009 at 03:10 am

Yesterday was NSD. I was very lazy yesterday, I didn't do much except make chicken stock and butter chicken for dinner. I will make soup today. I haven't done much this month at all, it's this cold weather all I want to do is keep warm. DH has been busy though, he spent most of yesterday doing work. He also went outside to do some composting and he also picked the last pumpkin from the garden. We didn't get to plant much winter crop this season, got too busy with house repairs early this year. DH did managed to plant some coriander (cilantro), which I used some for butter chicken last night.

I thought I'll make a to do list here to get me motivated to do some work around the house. These are boring stuff.

To do List (15-30 June):
[]Clothes Washing (Mon & Thurs)
[]Mopping (Mon & Thurs)
[]Ironing (Tues & Fri)
[]Dusting (Tues & Fri)
[]Vaccuming (Wed & Sat)
[]Bathroom (Sun)
[]Gardening (Sun)
[]Painting Spare Room
[]Wiping Kitchen Cupboard Doors.

Hope this will help me get my act together. I've got a load of washing on at the moment, now I just need to mop the floors.

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