Home > Mar 2008

Mar 2008

April 1st, 2008 at 11:00 am

This is the March numbers for our $20K Challenge. Overall not too bad, managed to just go below the average exp per month that we should be aiming for.

We are still a bit behind when you compare the $ to the time that has already lapsed. We should be able to catch up at the end of April.

The other expense that are not included in the challenge for this month is totally another story. Just the mortgage, dental surgery, and tuition for this month was over $5000. Thankfully DH got a pretty good bonus from work. Overall, we saved 67% of our income this month. This is after putting over $2,800 into our various funds.

On another news, I have been spending a lot of time again tinkering with our spending plan. There are a lot of changes happening with our finances so changes to our plan is necessary. Plus I just love working on our personal finance.

The big bonus should have made a big impact on out overall net worth. I will update our net worth for the 1st Qrt of the year next time.

3 Responses to “Mar 2008”

  1. Harley Says:

    "I see you've budgeted for bank fees. Is there any way you can switch to a free account?"

    Looks like this board owner lives in Australia. Banking fees are just a way of life there.

    Give away "rates" = property taxes

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Love the chart and the idea of a total yearly budget picture. Very nice!

  3. JanH Says:

    I once figured out the yearly cost of utilities and such. I never figured out what I should do with it. You've given me a few new ideas. Thanks!

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