Home > Weekend and Interview

Weekend and Interview

June 25th, 2014 at 04:37 am

A bit late on the weekend update. We just did the usual things - grocery shopping and eat out. We went to our favourite Vietnamese restaurant, it never disappoint. We also bought couple of pairs of weighted gloves, this should increase the intensity of our workout.

DH will be going on an interview from one of those jobs that he applied for couple of weeks ago. Initially he thought of declining it because it is in the other side of the city, probably over an hour away so it might not be worth it missing work for it. It is for a university, unfortunately it is not in the closer campus. The money will be a bit less than what he is getting now but it will be permanent full-time position. He thought it over and decide that he should go even just to get some practice on doing interviews again. He would just go to work really early and then take few hours off then go back in the afternoon.

This job sounds like a perfect fit for DH but the travel is a big issue. He might see if they allow working from home for couple times a week that would really help.

2 Responses to “Weekend and Interview”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I agree that going to the interview even as practice is a great idea!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I once went to an interview just for the practice and ended up working there for ten years! Good luck to hubby.

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