Home > Newbie


December 31st, 2006 at 10:50 am


Finally taking the plunge to start a financial blog. I thought now will be the best time to start, being a new year and all. I hope to use this blog to keep track of my financial journey.

My 2007 goals:

1. Pay off CC#1 and CC#2 by July 2007 (~ $10,000).

2. Pay off $1,500 of CC#3 by end of July 2007.

3. Pay off personal loan by the end of 2007 (~$3,000).

4. Contribute $1,000 to my retirement fund by the end of 2007.

5. Build up an emergency fund (I've got $500 so far) to $3,000.

6. Have a $5,000 saving by the end of the year.

7. Save $1,000 to put towards a new (second hand) car.

8. Save up for a holiday overseas (~$3,000, I've got about $700 so far).

9. Save $1,000 for next Xmas expenses.

10. Put $5,000 towards long-term investments (shares).

Wish me luck!

10 Responses to “Newbie”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Welcome Sheila and Good luck on meeting your goals!!

  2. moneycents Says:

    Welcome Shiela and Good Luck!

  3. Amber Says:

    Good luck and welcome Smile

  4. rduell Says:


  5. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome, sheila, glad you are here. You have some mighty big goals, hope you achieve them all.

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Hi Shelia! Welcome to the blog and good luck! Sounds like your goals are right on target!

  7. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Welcome aboard Shiela! Best of luck achieving your goals. We are all pulling for you! HAppy New Year and best wishes for achieving your goals!Smile

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    Welcome, good luck, and happy new year. Wink

  9. LuckyRobin Says:

    Welcome. Is your name pronounced Shy-la or She-la? Thought I'd ask as it doesn't have the standard spelling for Sheila, but could still be.

  10. shiela Says:

    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.

    LuckyRobin, you can pronounce it She-la.

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