Home > July 2012 Spending

July 2012 Spending

August 2nd, 2012 at 11:23 am

Grocery - $234.84 (over $4.84)
Utilities - $178.49 (under $1.55)
Home Phone - $21.57 (under $3.43)
Mobile - $20 (under $20.00)
Internet - $49.95 (under $0.05)
Fuel & Fare - $143.76 (under $26.24)
Health Insurance -$249.21 (under $0.79)
Entertainment -$222.80 (over $52.80)
Gifts -$50.00 (even)
Personal/Medical - $44.80 (under $15.20)
Clothing - $15.00 (under $25.00)
DH Allowance -$100 (even)
DW Allowance - $75 (even)
Miscellaneous - $1.98 (under $28.02)

TOTAL = $1,387.40 (under $62.60)

We’ve had 3 months in a row under budget. The last two months have been a pretty low spend month which is great. And this month could be the lowest for the year since we won’t have any utilities bill due, although as usual the entertainment will be a lot since it is my mum’s birthday later this month. I will post the Aug budget later.

We had 12 NSDs in July so that will be $120 to my Sunny Day Savings.

$1,400 into the Holiday Fund

$1,490 into the Household Fund

The ugly bit was the Exercise/Xmas fund I only put in $15 for the whole month. We were both sick for almost 2 weeks so no energy to exercise.

1 Responses to “July 2012 Spending”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Good for you being under budget! That is awesome!

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