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Weekend Update so far...

January 18th, 2009 at 03:14 am

The last few days have been very spendy, but I am hoping to get back to having NSD's again, starting today.

Yesterday (Saturday) we went out for lunch and also rented some DVD's. Overall it was pretty cheap entertainment. Rented 4 movies for $10 sure beats going to the movies where it is around $14 per adult ticket. So far we've watched Batman the Dark Knight and Taken.

Picked from the garden.

18 Jan - 2pm

2 Responses to “Weekend Update so far...”

  1. homebody Says:

    Beautiful. I love eggplant and DH would love the hot peppers!

  2. Petunia Says:

    Oooh. . . beautiful produce! I am jealous. It's cold in my part of the northern hemisphere.

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