Home > Today and Free Coffee

Today and Free Coffee

July 4th, 2008 at 11:11 am

The soon to be new cafe near work offered free coffee to everyone in our building. The place is actually not opening for another week, but they are trying out their new coffee machine and wanted to get feedback on there coffee. It was very nice.

Did some shopping for gifts today, everyone here is having a sale at the moment because of end of financial year.

Also today I got my payment summary from work, which what we need to file for our tax. I just need to get my other financial information together this weekend and hopefully next week I should be able to send the info to my accountant. I should be getting over $1,000 back. Hopefully, I can get it by mid-next month.

2 Responses to “Today and Free Coffee”

  1. njdebbie Says:


    I was looking at your $20,000. challenge and I think I'm going to do it in September when my husband and I start working again. I'll need to up the $20000 but I think this is a great way to keep my whole family in check.

  2. shiela Says:

    This challenge has definitely kept me motivated, even DH is really into it too. Good luck with your challenge.

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