Home > Didn't make it.

Didn't make it.

May 13th, 2008 at 10:19 am

I was hoping to have a NSD today but DH forgot his lunch this morning and had to get a loaf of bread. Luckily, he had some cans of tuna in his office and only had to get some bread. So he only spent a bit of money which will be coming out of his allowance.

3 Responses to “Didn't make it.”

  1. Apprentice Fun-Frugalist Says:

    Thats a pity !! These little "accidents" will always happen. It must be so much harder to get NSDs when there are two people involved.... twice the chance of spending.

    Best of Luck with the rest of the month ! :-)

  2. Petunia Says:

    Oops! Oh, well.

  3. klbb90 Says:

    Life happens, tomorrows another day.

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